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Home/Non-Surgical Procedures/Laser Resurfacing

Our board-certified plastic surgeons are pleased to offer the Sciton Profractional laser and BBL (pulsed broadband light) treatments to our patients.

South Florida affords the opportunity for year round enjoyment of outdoor sports and recreation. Sun exposure leads to changes in texture and pigmentation of the skin. Men and women, now more than ever, seek nonsurgical options to reverse the effects of sun damage on their skin. Laser skin resurfacing can improve the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles, discolored areas of skin and scars. Skin resurfacing procedures remove the outer layers of skin, such that new, fresh skin can replenish the wrinkles. Laser skin resurfacing and pulsed light treatment can treat deeper layers than microdermabrasion or some types of chemical peels.

Why Laser Skin Care Treatments?

It is great to spend time outside but the sun can wreak havoc on our skin. One of the most common reasons for laser treatment is to treat the damage done to our skin by the sun. Over exposure can change the texture of one’s skin as well as effect pigmentation. Laser surgery can help restore a healthy glow to your skin.

  • Fight The Signs of Aging: Fine lines and wrinkles are another major reason both men and women seek out laser surgery. Laser treatment can help take years off your face by stripping away older skin to get to the newer, more youthful skin below.
  • Smooth Blemishes: Many people suffer from skin blemishes. They can be a source of embarrassment. Laser treatment can help remove blemishes, clear up skin, and boost a person’s self-esteem.

During your evaluation, your “skin type” will be taken into account to determine if you are a good candidate for laser resurfacing. Other treatments may be recommended for patients with olive, suntanned, or dark skin, as well as those who take certain acne medications. You must make a commitment to avoiding sun exposure for several weeks before and after your treatment. Your “downtime” will depend on the type of treatment, and may vary from one to five days. We will recommend a customized skin care regimen prior to certain procedures. Often, more than one procedure may be necessary to achieve your desired result.

Laser Frequently Asked Questions

What areas can be treated?

Most often the face, neck, chest, or hands. The laser can treat fine lines and wrinkles as well as correct scars and skin irregularities. The most frequently treated areas include the crow’s feet, lines around the mouth, uneven pigmentation, and many other skin imperfections.

Who is a good candidate?

Your physician will evaluate your skin type at the time of your consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for laser treatment.

Where is the procedure performed?

Typically, in the office.

What do I need to do prior to my treatment?

You will need to avoid sun exposure, and certain medications. You will be instructed in the use of the recommended skin care regimen by our aesthetician.

What is a microlaser peel?

The microlaserpeel utilizes the erbium laser to remove the surface layer of the skin, the epidermis. As the epidermis regenerates, new cells develop without the memory of wrinkles or acne scars that were previously present. Because the thermal laser energy penetrates into the dermis, the body responds by creating new collagen.

What is ProFractional treatment?

In ProFractional treatment, the laser is split into many columns that penetrate through the epidermis into pinpoint areas of the deeper layer of the skin, the dermis. This stimulates the production of new collagen. Because a fraction of the skin is treated, you can achieve significant improvement with minimal downtime and rapid recovery.

Is one treatment better than the other?

They are different. The microlaser peel will quickly improve the appearance of the skin. The ProFractional treatment will gradually improve the appearance of your skin. The healing time is similar, and the treatments are often combined to achieve the best results.

How long does the treatment take?

If the entire face is resurfaced, the actual treatment takes 15 to 30 minutes. A series of three treatments are typically required, followed by between five and seven days of redness and peeling.

Does the treatment hurt?

Topical anesthetic is applied, and may be supplemented with local anesthetic. Patients will be given oral pain medication and a mild oral sedative prior to the procedure.

How many treatments are required?

Typically a series of one to five treatments is recommended, spaced four to six weeks apart. A personalized treatment plan will be recommended at the time of your consultation.

What should I expect after the treatment?

You may experience redness, and some crusting of your skin. The pain is similar to sunburn. Complete healing depends on the depth of the treatment and varies. For aggressive treatment, typically patients can apply makeup within five to ten days. Deeper treatments may take longer to heal and the skin may remain red for a longer period of time. You will need to avoid the sun and use the prescribed skin care products as you heal.

More Info About BBL or Broadband Light

Broadband light treatment uses a range of wavelengths to treat a wide range of conditions. Filters are used to select the best wavelength to target the brown and red discoloration associated with aging and sun damage. BBL is used to treat pigmented lesions (age spots, freckles, hyperpigmentation) or vascular lesions (small facial veins, rosacea, hemangiomas, poikiloderma).

The light energy delivered by BBL will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed selectively by the targeted areas stimulates the generation of new collagen. This results in a more youthful, smoother appearance of the skin. BBL also heats up the structures of the skin that hold the pigment, destroying the blood vessel or “sun spot.” Although any area of your body can be treated, the most common are those that are most exposed to the sun – your face, neck, chest, and arms/legs. Imagine a more even skin tone even without makeup!

There is little to no downtime after the treatment. In most cases you will be able to return to work with makeup and resume most activities. You may experience some redness for a few hours. Brown spots may become dark for a short period of time before peeling and flaking off. Skin that has been treated will feel smoother, and sun damage will fade.

*To achieve the best result, most patients need three to five BBL treatments at intervals of several weeks. Each treatment may use a slightly higher setting depending on the response to the prior one. The pulsed light procedure is gentle, and noninvasive. Topical anesthetic may be used and there is minimal discomfort. The procedure is often completed in approximately half an hour. It is very important to avoid sun exposure in the weeks leading up to, and following the treatment. You will be given a customized skin care regimen to minimize inflammation and shorten your healing time.

*Individual Results May Vary