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Age and weight gain can add pounds to the body and deposit fat in areas you don’t expect. Genetics is a major factor in how fatty tissue is distributed on the body, and some areas may not respond to normal dieting efforts or exercise regimes. Liposuction can reduce fat in these areas and give your body a more proportional appearance. Whether the procedure is done on the hips, waist, thighs, abdomen, or arms, liposuction can create a more balanced, shapely appearance. Our plastic surgeons can provide safe, effective surgery to give your body the contours you have always desired.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes controlled suction to remove stubborn buildups of localized fat from various regions of the body. Along with fat reduction, the treatment can achieve a significant improvement in the contour of the targeted area(s). As a result, our doctors often pair liposuction with tummy tuck surgery, brachioplasty, and numerous other body sculpting procedures to enhance overall outcomes.

Patient Results


What Are the Different Types of Liposuction?

There are four main types of liposuction available today. These include:

  • Tumescent Liposuction: Tissues are filled with fluid to help separate the fatty tissue for removal.
  • Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL): Ultrasonic waves are used to liquefy the fat to make it easy to remove.
  • Laser-Assisted Liposuction: Laser energy is used to help dissolve the fat for easier removal from the body.
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL): A small blade is used to cut through fat for easy removal.

These techniques have different costs, times, recovery periods, scarring, and other considerations. Your surgeon will determine the best technique for your individual needs and body contouring goals.

What Are the Most Common Liposuction Treatment Areas?

Liposuction can remove diet- and exercise-resistant fat accumulations from virtually anywhere on the body. Some of the most common treatment areas include:

  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Waist
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Neck

Wherever your problem area(s) may be, we will work with you to develop a customized surgical plan to help you achieve the physique you desire.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

The best candidates for liposuction have realistic goals for their body. Liposuction can minimize small bulges and pads of fat that accumulate in common areas of the body. The candidate should be in good general health. People with serious health problems such as seizure disorder, cardiac arrhythmias, immunodeficiency diseases, or blood clot disorders may not be a good candidate for the liposuction procedure. If the candidate’s skin has poor elasticity, it may not respond well to liposuction. Smoking can have an effect on healing. Quitting is recommended before getting liposuction.

Is Liposuction Safe?

Liposuction can be safe and effective when performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon who is highly trained and experienced in this method of surgical body contouring. A reputable surgeon takes all safety precautions, utilizes approved techniques/equipment, and thoroughly evaluates each patient to make sure they are healthy enough for surgery and a good candidate for liposuction. If for any reason one of our doctors believes that your health and safety might be compromised by liposuction, we may instead recommend non-surgical fat reduction alternatives that can deliver outstanding results, or advise that you postpone treatment until you meet candidacy requirements.

Are There Any Liposuction Risks?

Like any surgical procedure, liposuction does have some risks; however, our surgeons will do everything within their power to reduce the likelihood of complications both during and after treatment. Potential risks can include infection, blood clots, fluid accumulation, skin texture irregularities, asymmetrical contours, and more.

Prior to liposuction, your physician will provide you with detailed instructions on how to prepare for the procedure and how to care for yourself following treatment. It is imperative that you closely follow every step, as these instructions are designed to help minimize risks and promote optimal results. We also ask that you contact the practice at the first sign of any potential problem so that we can provide early intervention, if necessary. We will discuss all risks with you before you agree to go through with treatment so that you are fully informed.

Are There Alternatives to Liposuction?

At Pinsky Plastic Surgery, we offer a non-surgical, minimally-invasive alternative to liposuction called CoolSculpting®. FDA-approved CoolSculpting® is a revolutionary system that freezes and destroys fat through the skin’s surface to create leaner contours. Sessions are quick, and there is little to no downtime following CoolSculpting® treatment. With different applicators, CoolSculpting® can be performed on almost any area of the body, including the midsection, thighs, upper arms, back, and even underneath the chin (with CoolMini®). We have two CoolSculpting® machines for time-efficient “dual sculpting”, which allows us to perform treatment on two different areas simultaneously. This approach cuts down on treatment time so that you can achieve results faster.

In addition to CoolSculpting®, we perform treatments with injectable KYBELLA®, a product that is FDA-approved to reduce excess fat from under the chin. Double chin reduction with KYBELLA® requires a series of injections into the targeted fat deposit to break down fat cells. Over time, natural processes carry away the fat cells and eliminate them from the body.

While KYBELLA® and CoolSculpting® can be effective ways to reduce excess fat, they do not deliver immediate removal of fat from the body like liposuction does. Both options require a waiting period before the full results are revealed. If you are not considered a good candidate for liposuction or do not want surgery to achieve your goals, we encourage you to ask your physician about these options during your consultation.

How Should I Prepare for Liposuction Surgery?

Our physicians will review your medical history to ensure that no problems develop during surgery. We will also direct you to eat a healthy diet before the day of surgery and refrain from taking some medications, such as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, that can affect bleeding or healing. You will be advised to stop smoking at least six weeks before surgery to prevent constriction of blood vessels, a complication associated with smoking. Two weeks before the procedure, you should stop taking all herbs and supplements and restrict your alcohol and salt intake. You should also avoid sunbathing, steam baths, and the use of skin products that can irritate the skin. We will give you specific instructions for the day of surgery, which you should follow carefully to ensure the best results.

How Is the Liposuction Procedure Performed?

Liposuction uses special equipment to loosen and vacuum out fat tissue from the body. During the procedure, long thin tubes called cannulas are strategically inserted in and/or around the targeted region(s) to extract the fatty tissue from under the skin until an optimal contour is achieved. The entire treatment can take between 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the technique employed and whether other surgeries are done at the same time. Liposuction is sometimes combined with other plastic surgery procedures, such as tummy tuck and breast augmentation.

What Is Recovery from Liposuction Like?

Recovery from liposuction can vary between patients. Some individuals will feel little discomfort and are on their feet and back to work within a few days. Other patients may find liposuction more difficult. They might experience drainage from the incision area for a number of days and may feel significant discomfort. Most patients feel some degree of soreness in the incision area. Your physician will provide pain medication to keep discomfort to a minimum. Generally, you should start walking around as soon as possible to help reduce swelling that occurs after the procedure. A reddish discharge may continue for several days after the procedure. The area may show bruising, but this will fade quickly over a number of days. You may notice numbness in the area of the incision, but this too will fade over a period of time.

It can take up to six months for the numbness to completely dissipate. You will have to wear a compression garment after the procedure to help your tissues settle into their new shape. Avoid strenuous activities for three weeks to allow complete healing. Most patients are back at work in four to seven days. The full results of the procedure will be evident over several weeks.*

*Individual Results May Vary

Will I Have Liposuction Scars?

Because incisions are necessary to perform liposuction, some degree of scar formation will occur. That said, liposuction incisions are often so small (typically only a few millimeters in length) that any potential scarring is barely visible on most patients. In addition, our physicians aim to hide incisions in discreet locations whenever possible, further limiting the possibility of noticeable scars.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

The exact price of liposuction varies from patient to patient based on a variety of different elements. Some of the most notable influencers of total cost include:

  • The volume of fat removed
  • The number of treatment areas addressed
  • The particular liposuction technique used
  • The plastic surgeon’s level of skill and experience
  • The city and/or region of the country in which the practice is situated

Supplementary expenses that can also impact the cost of liposuction may include fees for the operating facility, anesthesia, post-operative garments, and any necessary medications.

To obtain a personalized price quote for liposuction, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians. After thoroughly assessing your needs and goals, we can develop a custom-tailored treatment plan and provide a breakdown of all associated costs. If you are interested in plastic surgery financing, a member of our team will be happy to assist you in exploring your payment plan options. We proudly partner with CareCredit® and ALPHAEON® CREDIT to help make liposuction as affordable as possible for our patients.

Want More Liposuction Information?

For more information about liposuction, please don’t hesitate to contact Pinsky Plastic Surgery today to book a consultation.